Welcome to the site!
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About me.
I'm a designer cum web developer who basically likes browsing the internet, youtube, painting, languages and the finer things in life, like photography. You will find plenty of that on the site if that's your bag. It's all done with my 35mm film on my old OM 40. I studied architecture part one at Sheffield Hallam, under Peter Fawcett. I live in Bath and currently study Horticulture and French amongst other things. I would love to get some work experience at a firm so do get in touch if that you are looking to recruit an Architectural Assistant, CAD user, 3D modeller or web operative. Other than that just enjoy this site and do get in touch with suggestions and queries, I would really appreciate you telling friends or linking to it as I'm very interested in the environment and how to form social networks that benefit this cause, proliferation of information et cetera. That's it, enjoy!